I do like this time of year - in fact I would go so far as saying that April to June is my favourite time of the year. Everything is fresh and beautiful.
Above are tulip 'Negrita' from last year, which I forgot to remove from their pot and they have flowered again this year, so that was a lovely surprise. This was last week. The large expanse of gravel is in next door's garden, as since the wall came down, there is no boundary. However, we have decided to have a wall again, not a fence, so Chris has been very busy removing the remains of the wall and digging down to the foundations, ready for the new foundation and wall. It will look lovely, I'm sure. We are hoping to have it done by the summer.
Lathyrus vernus has beautiful purples and pinks and brightens up a shady corner.
Erythronium Pagoda looks so exotic and I am always pleased to see it back. I took this photo last week too.
I planted a small tub of tulips in the Autumn which is brightening up the front door. Purissima is the cream/white/green one and Angelique is the pinky/white double.
Angelique has a delicate blush of pink spreading over the petals.
In the back garden, I have a couple of pots of lily of the valley. I tried growing them in the border in the past but they weren't happy. So far, they seem to like the pots.
A Peony bud on 'Athens', I think.
Tulip Negrita this morning, opening out in the sunshine.
My favourite, Ballerina, in the sunny border, enjoying a sunbathe.
More Purissima and Angelique, with a Ronaldo at the back.
Ballerina in the border. The ones in the border have flowered much earlier than the new ones I planted last autumn. I love the way the sun lights up the petals.
Erythronium Pagoda this morning - lots more flowers now.
A little group of Spring flowers - Hellebore, Pulmonaria, Lathyrus vernus, Anemone blanda, and lots of leaves,
Magnolia Susan and the lilac tree against a Spring sky.
I think this is Ronaldo, just getting ready to flower.
Leaves of Camellia Yoimachi, an autumn/winter flowering camellia which I bought earlier in the year. I am looking forward to seeing it flower later in the year.
Nemesia Confetti flowers - this plant has lasted outside over winter with no problems and has a delicate honey scent.
So, that's what I saw this morning...