There is a definite change in the air now. Apart from the unusually hot days this week, the overall feeling has been cooling. There is still lots to enjoy in the garden, but watering has to be done before 7.30 pm as it starts to get too dark to see by then. Above is Penstemon Garnet which is in a pot and has come through quite a few winters.
Clematis Alpina Rosy Pagoda still brings interest with the fluffy seedheads.
They are so tactile.
Rose Shakespeare 2000, which took a while to decide to flower but kept on going once it was.
Crocosmis Emily Mackenzie bringing some scorching hot orange to the mix.
Geranium sanguineum striatum leaves starting to colour up.
Hydrangea Sundae Fraise (I think).
This was my newest Hydrangea (paniculata Little Spooky) a few weeks ago... it is now, looking gorgeous!
Creamy lime green flowers.
Good old Liriope Muscari which gets completely neglected but which flowers through the autumn.
Rose Olivia Rose Austin (who has featured many times since she was purchased), giving us another flush of roses to enjoy.
Dwarf cosmos adding fuchsia pink to the pastels.
Asters starting to come into flower.
Clematis New Love in the border. It has a pleasant fragrance which reminds me a bit of soap.
Anemone Bressingham Glow which has been in flower for weeks and is a joy to see.