The garden continues to provide delights. The final few roses are now in flower. Above is a climbing rose, New Dawn.
This is Susan Williams-Ellis who is my latest addition (replacing Winchester Cathedral).
Another climber, Blush Noisette.
William Shakespeare 2000, who is making an attempt at garden domination. It has grown really tall this year.
The clematis are now joining in. Here is Venosa Violacea, twining around rose Ferdinand Pichard.
This is the lovely flower.
Clematis Frankie. I bought this as a young plant and then planted it out. However, on the TV, a clematis grower said you should pot them on and leave them for a year to develop a bigger root system. I dug it up and potted it into a bigger pot and it has rewarded me by flowering again.
This is clematis Prince Charles, putting on a lovely show.
Here is Princess Kate who was potted on into a large tub and has rewarded me by being incredibly floriferous this year.
I couldn't resist a photo of this self seeded foxglove which planted itself in a pot by the shed.
The hydrangeas are also starting to flower. Here is Endless Summer, the Bride (I think).
A mix of rose Jacques Cartier, a foxglove, and clematis Arabella.
This hydrangea is at the front of the house, in a large tub. It provides a much needed splash of colour there.
Here is the flower - this is Endless Summer (Pink), I think.
The final flower (for now!) is Clematis Blue Angel. I potted this one into a large tub this Spring and it obviously likes it!
The exotic-looking visitor is the vapourer moth caterpillar. It was busily munching away on a rose leaf, when I spotted it. I brought it inside for identification.
It is quite an amazing looking creature with the long tail and antennae hairs.
I haven't seen one before, but apparently they are reasonably common. I put it back on the rose, but woe betide it if it tries to eat too much!