Wanderlust 2021, the mixed media art journal course, has come to an end. I have really enjoyed it and have learnt a lot. It has been a challenge, but one that I have thrown myself into and done the best I could. I now have a lovely full journal to look back on. I have signed up to Wanderlust 2022, so my journey will continue.
The final theme was fables, where animals illustrate a moral or a story. This page illustrates my own artistic journey, anticlockwise, from the top left: a little kitten failing my A levels, retaking them and passing at evening classes, then twenty years later, going to do a Foundation in Art and Design course (with a photos of my felt behind the owl) and finally the tiger, more confident and ready for challenges.
The next week was about choosing an animal to illustrate and I chose a hare. I have improved in my watercolouring and remembered the tips I had picked up from a previous watercolour class - leave white space, start with mid tones and don't be afraid of dark shadows. Also, 'don't colour it all in, it's not a colouring book!' I was really pleased with the end result.
The next fable theme was about creating a character (the example was a wolf in sheep's clothing)and using a phrase. I chose the golden goose which is about being thankful for what you have. While creating this page, I thought about the last line in the film 'Now, Voyager' so used that as my quote. "...Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars".
Week forty-eight was illustrating a fable which the teacher had created about an antelope called Tall Boy. He has managed to evade the hunters so far.
Week forty-nine was a word for next year. I loved creating this collage and went for rich, luscious colours. As you can see, I am hoping to continue to grow, in confidence, in my skills and in my knowledge.
Week fifty was a round up and creating the journal covers. As I had deconstructed my journal, due to the spine binding breaking, I have four covers to make.
These were collaged bits and pieces, including lace and die cuts, words and marks. The little cover has the phrase 'a library full of treasures', which I thought was very appropriate.