
Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Art Everywhere - even here!

 I was excited to read about the Art Everywhere project, organised by The Art Fund, where posters and billboards all over the country would be displaying art, rather than advertising.  According to the website:
"Showcasing great British art across the UK, Art Everywhere is the largest exhibition of its kind in the world. From the 12–25 August 2013 some of the nation's greatest art is on display across 22,000 poster sites and billboards up and down the country. Artists, curators, media owners and entrepreneurs joined by a love of art have fuelled this massive charitable celebration, and the general public crowd-funded over £30,000 to help make it happen."
The link to the website is here.
As Lincoln is regarded as a bit of a backwater, I felt it extremely unlikely that this project would arrive here, but last Friday, on the way home from work, just outside Lincoln Central Station, what did I spy?
Ophelia by Millais. Not only a fabulous work of art, but a fabulous Pre-Raphaelite work of art!
A slightly closer view of the image

 Then, about two seconds away, there was another billboard, with yet another Ophelia. This duplication did make me wonder why two of the same image were put so close to each other, but at least it made a lovely change from an advert.
The project has finished now, but it will be interesting to see how long the billboards remain.  More art, please!
Have you spotted any of the Art Everywhere images where you live?


  1. I was in Lincoln yesterday, boy - was it ever hot - so missed the thing by one day! My luck is always bad...

  2. Dear Toffeeapple
    Thank you. Yes, it was hot yesterday - I stayed in, making more polymer clay things. I shall check whether the billboards are still there tomorrow night (if we come home that way). As the project officially finished yesterday, I'm not sure whether the images will be there and if so, for how long.
    Hope you get some good luck soon!
    Best wishes
