
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Mr Blue Sky

 Hasn't it been lovely to see some sunshine and blue sky?  My plants have definitely been enjoying it.  Here are some of the highlights at the moment.  Above is a Daphne 'Eternal Fragrance' which has looked like it is going to die for about the last six months but then surprised me by flowering and when I lean down and get my nose to the flower - wow - lemony, lily of the valley, delicate and almost delicious!  If it doesn't survive, at least I'll have enjoyed these flowers.
 Here are my hyacinths (the flash really doesn't do the colour any justice as they are a much deeper blue in real life, but they are in a shady area of the garden).
 Excitement of unfurling tulip leaves.  I am really hoping for a riot of colour this year.
 Beautiful markings of crocus.
 My three hellebores are doing well although they like to hang their heads downward so need a bit of help when being photographed.

 Another pretty crocus.
A view of that elusive blue sky through the branches of Prunus Kojo-no-mai - a bit of an experiment as I couldn't see what the picture would be like, but I'm pleased with the result.
For a bit of feel good ELO 'Mr Blue Sky', here's a link to Youtube. Enjoy!


  1. What a pretty sight all those spring flowers!
    Thanks for sharing, love from Mirjam.

    1. Thanks, Mirjam. Spring is on the way!
      Best wishes

  2. Daphnes are renowned for their beautiful fragrance although I dont have one myself. The crocuses and hellebores are doing brilliantly in our garden as if they are heralding the arrival of spring.

    1. Thanks, Anne. The daphne is a relatively new one which is supposed to be dwarf and good in a pot. I got mine in 2013 and it hasn't put on much growth and is a bit spindly at the moment. I hope it will bush out as the scent is just lovely and I don't want to lose it! I think Spring is definitely trying to start.
      Best wishes

  3. It was a glorious weekend wasn't it, I do love that ELO song xx

    1. Thanks, Tracy. It was a lovely Sunday here and today has been beautiful too, so it has been great to get out in the garden. Mr Blue Sky is one of my all time favourite songs - you just can't feel anything but up beat when you hear it!
      Best wishes

  4. Ah your beautiful blooms do my heart good Ellie, and yes, daphne does have the most glorious fragrance. I'm so glad you are having sunshine at last, enjoy!
    Thanks so much for this flowery post!
    Hugs, Joy xo

    1. Thanks, Joy. The sunshine has been in short supply over our dull, grey, dreary, wet winter, so it is extra special when it does appear. The plants are definitely enjoying it too.
      Best wishes

  5. Wow, your hellebores are really very beautiful. I wish we had some in our garden. i love the way this sunshine brings the plants to life, and also improves everyone's moods, including mine! x

    1. Thanks, Gillian. I have just three hellebores, but they seem to like where they are and flower well, so I shan't be adding to them, just watching them every year. You're so right, we all love to have a bit of sunshine!
      Best wishes

  6. Yes I think the garden has thrived on a few days of glorious sunshine, its a shame it has disappeared. Love your pretty flowers and I am just a little envious of your pretty Hellebores. I hope you have a lovely weekend xoxo

    1. Thanks, Hannapat. We still had a little sunshine today, but also a cold wind, so I didn't spend much time outside. The hellebores have been lovely this year.
      Have a good weekend too.
      Best wishes
