It is a very similar concept to The Moon, with a large sphere which is lit from inside. Despite the room not really being big enough (in my opinion), it still looked very impressive.
The Earth slowly rotates and is accompanied by a soundtrack of people talking about the Earth and how we should be taking better care of it and some specially composed music.
It was the closest we'll ever get to seeing it like this.
You can see why it is called The Blue Planet.
This made me realise how limited my geographical knowledge is - I had never really thought about how big Africa is; I hadn't appreciated how close Russia and America are and I hadn't really thought about how high up the UK is. Seeing it as a spherical shape made me appreciate these things much more.
It is a very thought-provoking exhibition. Our insignificance is certainly one thing which came into my head.
I also hadn't realised that we have only been able to view the Earth like this since 1972.
It is a touring exhibition so it may travel to somewhere near you. A link to the site is here. It is well worth a visit.