So far, December has been pretty wet, mild and dull, although we have had a few sunny days. One of these was yesterday, so I headed into the garden with my camera. Above is a new winter flowering hellebore called Winter Princess 'Victoria'. I found her at B&Q - a DIY store - and was intrigued that the label said she would flower through December. I have several hellebores in the garden, but these are all late Winter/early Spring flowerers. I can report that she has been in flower since we bought her, in November, I think.
This nemesia 'Confetti' is also still going and this was one of the cuttings I took in the summer, which were my first ever successful cuttings.
Irises in pots and snowdrops are starting to grow.
Camellia buds are plumping up.
A self-seeded primula is flowering on the patio. I haven't had any coloured primulas for years so am not sure where this one has come from. Perhaps it has just been waiting for the right time.
One of my autumn fruiting raspberries is still fruiting too and I ate a raspberry as I wandered round the garden. It still tasted fine.
My small winter flowering jasmine is flowering, but that is more to be expected at this time of year. It is still a young plant, but is brightening up this part of the border.
Camellia Yoimachi has flowered once this winter, but there are more buds.
This is hydrangeas 'The Bride' which has one flower still looking good.
Snowdrops in a tub.
Camassia starting to grow - I think this is much too early, but they have been enjoying the rain.
Snowdrops in the border.
Another hydrangea, giving really good value for money is Coco - lovely white flowers in summer and then a range of colours as the flowers fade.
More Coco...
...and again.
Winter flowering honeysuckle is in flower and on a sunny day, the scent is lily of the valley. Again, this is flowering quite early for me - it is usually in January or February.
Small, insignificant flowers, but the scent is wonderful!
To finish, here is a flower from the new hellebore - Victoria. She is giving me a lot of pleasure, as are all the featured plants.