The cold snap continues and I ventured into the garden armed with my camera this morning. I know this isn't really that cold, compared with other countries, but as our autumn had been so mild recently, this has taken me a bit by surprise. Above are buddleia leaves.
This is Rose Dannahue, which was still flowering in my previous post.
Blueberry Blue Pearl. The frost patterns are beautiful to look at. I had just finished insulating some of my pots before the cold weather arrived, so I was very grateful for that,
Rose Charles de Mills.
Hydrangea Annabelle, who usually features on this blog with her gorgeous white flowers in summer. However, I think her faded flowers tipped with frost are just as lovely, albeit in a different way. Apparently Storm Bert is on his way this weekend, but temperatures are due to rise. No wonder we talk about the weather so much here in the UK - it is always so changeable...