Sunday, 11 December 2016

The cat sat on the mat

One of our two purchases at the craft fair held at Gainsborough Old Hall was this rag rug, made from strips of fleece (the other purchase was a Father Christmas decoration for the tree).  Chris and I both liked the colours and pattern and, as we needed a new rug for in front of the fire, this seemed ideal.  It also suits our eclectic mix of furniture and styles.  It is quite supportive to our arthritic knees when we are sorting the fire out and it also got the seal of approval from Scruffy, who decided it was an acceptable replacement for the old rug. (Please note that yet again, Scruffy managed to have his eyes shut in both photos).
The cat sat on the mat?  More like the cat sprawled on the mat!


  1. It definitely has the feline purr of approval. Jazz is a camera hog. Jewel used to scurry away as soon as she saw it.

    1. Thanks, EC. Scruffy will happily have his photo taken, but he very seldom opens his eyes (much to my annoyance!) He does like the rug and was sitting on it this morning when I came down.
      Best wishes

  2. Typical of the cat to hog the new run, there's not a single fleece, rug or chair that hasn't been tested by our lot. Love the rag rug its one thing I have always been meaning to try making.

    1. Thanks, Briony. Cats always seem to find the cosiest places to sit/sleep, don't they? I would imagine that a rag rug like this, using strips of fleece, would work up quite quickly. I have never tried making one either!
      Best wishes
