On Monday, Chris and I visited Louth, a small market town about twenty five miles away from Lincoln, towards the east coast. We had both driven through the town before, but had never visited. It was a lovely place, with masses of Georgian architecture which seemed to have escaped being 'improved'. As a result, there is a lot to see.

A mosaic in the doorway of an empty shop which had large rounded windows. The detail on the mosaic captured my interest straight away.

A fabulous example of an original shop front, with glass panels placed at angles. Louth has retained a lot of independent shops and even the chains such as Argos are not overly obtrusive. There is an air of faded gentility about the town and the people there are obviously proud of the way the town looks as it has been able to resist the homogenised High Street found in many other places in England. I think that Tesco want to build a supermarket there, but so far, the local people are fighting it as they feel it will ruin the look of the town. Judging from what we saw, I think they are right to fight against it, and to protect the very special place they have.
I have lots more to write about in my next blogs as we also visited the church and found the Greenwich Meridian line too. More to follow...