Saturday 15 July 2017


It is hydrangea time in the garden and as, in the past, (whisper) I didn't really like them and so did them a bit of a disservice, I feel it is only right to focus on them now.  I have completely changed my opinion of them now and have several in the garden, mainly in pots.  Above is a lovely pure white one, either 'Coco' or 'Fireworks' - I lost the label.
 This one, 'Diamant Rouge' is one I bought last year and haven't seen the flowers yet, so am eagerly watching them to see what colours I get - judging from the name, I'm expecting red.
This is Merveille Sanguine and I like the way the bracts change colour from cream with a hint of green to bright pink.
 This is 'Dark Angel' which is moody and magnificent with its purple shaded leaves.  Again, it has cream and then pink bracts but it also has blue/purple flowers.
 I hadn't really noticed these before but they are stunning...
 Each flower looks like it has been outlined with white.
Finally for now is my favourite (don't tell the others), the only one planted in the border and always reliable, Arborescens Annabelle.  Beautiful, huge creamy white with a hint of green flowers.  I pruned her back (I have to call her, 'her') quite harshly in late Spring, but she has rewarded me by flowering beautifully.
Just stunning.  I enjoy the way that hydrangea flowers fade during the autumn too, so have no doubt they will appear again then.  I am really pleased that I have embraced hydrangeas - I would have missed so much gorgeousness.


  1. They are beautiful. Too water hungry for me though. When/if water restrictions are lifted, perhaps...

    1. Dear EC
      Yes, that is the one drawback. If we were on a water meter, I expect I wouldn't have many plants in pots - they do need water and food regularly and rely on me to provide them.
      Best wishes

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Amy. Yes, they are! I would like to have more in the borders, but they do take up a lot of room, so they have to stay in the pots.
      Best wishes

  3. I do believe they may be my favourite flowers, I have a real love for them and yours are stunningly beautiful. I don't have a white one, but feel I should have.... I may have to go searching xx

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. I am certainly a fan now, even if I wasn't for many years. I do have another white one, but it needed serious pruning when the wall fell on it, so although it is growing nicely, it won't flower this year. There are some lovely varieties out there - I am sure you will find a beautiful one.
      Best wishes
