Thursday 19 October 2017

Stitching Santa blog swap

Over the years, I have taken part in a lot of blog swaps and exchanges and have really enjoyed them.  It's always lovely to make new friends and send presents.  Receiving presents is nice too, of course.  Recently, I haven't noticed so many to take part in and I have been missing them, so when I saw one which Jo from Through the keyhole is taking part in, I went off to investigate.
It is being run by Sheila at Sewchet and you can choose either knitting/crochet or sewing to take part in.  It is more like a Secret Santa, where someone sends you a present and you send someone else a present, so it isn't a straight swap.  You can spend up to £10.00 (always a good idea to have a limit) and I am looking forward to finding out who I will be sending to.  Some blog stalking (in a nice way), once we have the details will also help to tailor the gifts to the person.
If it sounds like something you'd like to join in with, go on over to Sewchet, where you'll find all the details.  Sign up is open until 31st October, so there's still time!


  1. I am looking forward to seeing your creations (in the fullness of time). It is a lovely way to stalk people.

    1. Thanks, EC. I did consider that perhaps I had enough to be doing with the craft fair, but I just couldn't resist the idea of a sewing-related present!
      I will, of course, write a blog post about the swap.
      Best wishes

  2. what what a lovely idea, the gift really will be a personal one xx

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. I hope I can manage to create something that the recipient will really like. I do enjoy a good swap!
      Best wishes
