I am creating this blog in the hope that, over time, I will be able to connect with other individuals or groups with a similar interest and passion for felt and felt making. My aim is to use this blog as a form of diary in order to record the items that I produce, the processes involved & to receive comments from other felters. However, I shall also include other things that I am interested in, such as gardening, cooking, reading etc.
I started making felt last December (08) and have steadily grown in confidence with regards to creating interpretations of elements of my local landscape in felt. Initially I used dyed Merino tops as they felt quickly and easily and are ideal for beginners. However, my sister keeps a few sheep and recently presented me with several bags of raw washed fleece. I have been experimenting with these different, neutral coloured fleeces, using them individually and also combining them, with some very pleasing results.
I shall post photos of my work, or my inspiration, or anything else that I would like to share with the world, in the hope that people reading this will find something to enjoy.