This was my first piece for a big project on Lincolnshire Landscapes based on elements of the landscape. As the project progressed, I decided to make thirty individual pieces which would be displayed together to create a whole. I made sample pieces first, to enable me to try different effects and judge which worked best before embarking on the finished pieces. The one above was a beautiful evening sky in December 2008 and the pinks and creams really inspired me. I took photos of the piece prior to felting and then after felting, which shows how the image changes during the process. I like this about felting as it gives an unpredictability which is exciting.
I developed my felt making and started to use simple equipment to help with the fulling process. This enabled me to full the felt much more quickly and created more densely packed fibres which made a solid, flat, fabulous felt. However, the felt still exerted its own personality within each piece so no two pieces were ever the same!
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