Tuesday 16 November 2021

Tulips for 2022

I have finally started planting my tulips for next Spring.  I have gone for Brown Sugar (pictured above from this year)...
...Ronaldo (again pictured from this year)...
Ballerina (on the left, pictured from a couple of years ago, with Brown Sugar,  in the border)...
Beautiful blowsy Danceline (photo from a couple of years ago)...
...and just because I can, another photo of Ronaldo and Ballerina together (photo from a while ago). I do love the combination of orange and purple for tulips.
These are favourites and have proved to be a good buy as they have all come back once planted in the borders.  I also have some from last year which I need to plant in the borders, somewhere.  The borders are pretty full, so that may be a challenge!

I have also bought some double orange 'Sunlover' tulips, which I haven't grown before, for a couple of pots at the front and they need to be planted too - hopefully this week!


  1. Well there's nout more exciting than a tulip! Fine choices Ellie - love the orange and deep purple together. The double orange ones from Wilko look great. I am trying to stop myself buying more, as I have ran out of pots. I hear you on the border dilemna - where to put them all :0 I have last year's tulips, that I removed & dried -hmmmm... may give them a go in the front garden's border. Have a lovely weekend. Lulu xXx

    1. Thanks, Lulu. I have just planted the double orange ones from Wilkos in a pot at the front. I still haven't planted last year's bulbs in the borders yet - perhaps tomorrow... I really should stop buying too, but they are so tempting!
      Best wishes

  2. Beautiful! Do you replant your tulips everyyear? Or are you just added to what you've already had? I miss tulip's and should plant some. Used to have some, but things got over crowded and things grew on top of where the tulips were so when I thinned, many of the bulbs got dug up without my knowing what was what.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. I replant the 'perennial' tulips (Ballerina, Ronaldo) in the border, having emptied them out of their pots and dried them in the shed. I have experimented this year and have replanted some from last year back into a pot - I'm not sure whether they will be any good, but we'll see. I also buy new bulbs each year, just in case the older ones die out and these go into pots for their first year. I do plant the older bulbs in the borders, in really deep holes and I have had some successes. They are so lovely and colourful and something I really look forward to seeing in Spring.
      Best wishes

  3. I remember my mother sent me some Tulip bulbs a bit of awhile ago now. I had never grown tulips in a jar before then but all went well and I do remember they were a gorgeous splash of deep pink and the first thing that caught the eye when going in the kitchen. You've planted a really lovely assortment of colours and something to look forward to in the spring. Take care. Amanda x

    1. Thanks, Amanda. I had not been keen on orange in the garden until I bought some 'Ballerina' tulips - now I am a convert! I am really looking forward to seeing them next April.
      Best wishes
