Sunday 20 February 2022

First garden visit of 2022

On a rather wet and grey Sunday, my garden visit companions, Katy and Alison headed off to Easton Walled Gardens, which is a thirty minute drive away.  It had just opened for snowdrops the Friday before.  I had visited before, but not since 2015, so was interested to see how things had grown and changed.  I had managed to slip on our stairs that morning, which had winded me, but I was lucky and hadn't done any lasting damage, although felt a little more fragile than usual! 
The house was demolished in the 1950s but I believe the bulldozer broke down and the gatehouse was left standing.  
I remember these spirals as very small last time I visited.  (You can see it was raining).
They make a lovely feature now.
The snowdrops were looking lovely, flowering away under the trees.
I liked this combination of hellebore, cyclamen coum and pulmonaria.
More snowdrops on the bank...
...and snowdrops as far as the eye could see by the river.
I managed to lose my footing around here and ended up sprawling on my back amongst the snowdrops. which caused much hilarity (and I don't think I will ever be able to live it down).  Again, luckily, it was a soft landing and apart from a bruise on my leg, I escaped unscathed.  It was completely my own fault, not being aware of where my feet were while trying to take a photo.  
I liked these troughs planted with iris reticulata.
The hedge above had been pruned to show its lovely bumpy shapes.
The bridge was a Victorian addition.
This trough also caught my eye.  The combination of ferns, snowdrops, hellebores and cyclamen works so well and could be repeated in a large pot at home...hmm...
Yes, I came away with another hellebore to add to my collection.  I spied this one as soon as I went to the shop. It is 'Harvington Pink'.
Such a pretty pink too.
Isn't it a beauty?  Being with friends, tea, cake, snowdrops and hellebores - what a great way to start the garden visits in 2022.


  1. Ellie, I am swooning over that giant trough full of snowdrops, cyclamen and ferns!!! Gorgeous! How clever of the gardeners to put the low level spiral hedging on a slope, so the shape can be seen. Sounds like you were in true snowdrop rolly polly heaven ;) That's a hellebore beauty to come back with. Lulu xXx

    1. Thanks, Lulu. I was rather envious of the trough too. It looked so perfect, nestled into the wall, with the splashes of colour from the cyclamen. Roly-poly was right, that day! I felt I was a bit of a liability after falling the second time!
      I hope the pink hellebore will be happy in a pot - it is such a pretty colour.
      Best wishes

  2. What a feast for the eyes, so many wonderful photos. The snowdrops are lovely as are those troughs. Such a wonderful mix of colours and heights of the plants. I hope you are bruise free now.

    1. Thanks, sustainablemum. I was very taken with the troughs which made a lovely feature. I am pretty much bruise free thank you - I was very lucky!
      Best wishes
