Tuesday 30 April 2024

This morning

We have had two sunny days in a row, which is something of an event so far this year.  Making the most of it, I went out in the garden this morning.  Above is the unknown fringed tulip which I didn't plant but which keeps coming back and is very welcome.
I do like a fern and my ferns haven't had much of a focus on my blog.  I have just removed the old leaves, so you can see the new growth so much better.  Above is a Hart's Tongue fern, a British native plant. Such a zingy green!
I have an English bluebell unfurling its flowers.
My Rhodanthemum Casablanca has been repotted and is still flowering - it started to flower in December.
The Japanese Shield Fern has new leaves in this lovely red colour.
Finally, here is my other fern, (I can't remember the name of it) in the border by the hydrangea.  It's a beauty!


  1. The fringed tulips are lovely. I much prefer them to the doubles which I think lose some of their 'tulipness' (if that makes sense). I love ferns too, but we are too dry for them to thrive.

    1. Thanks, EC. I occasionally buy a double, but the tulips I go back to year after year are always singles. They are nearly over for this year, but other plants will take over this month - alliums, astrantias and aquilegias to name a few. My ferns are in the north facing border but sometimes need extra water in the summer. I don't often celebrate them or take photos of them, so that needs to change!
      Best wishes
