Wednesday, 12 February 2025

'Time' by Luxmuralis at Lincoln Cathedral

('Time' at Lincoln Cathedral from Luxmuralis Youtube channel)
We went to the latest offering, 'Time' by Luxmuralis at Lincoln Cathedral last night.  For those not familiar with this, it is a sound and light experience, based around a particular theme.  It is on from 11th - 15th February 2025 at Lincoln Cathedral.  There are different performances at different venues - see here for the schedule. 
As always, my camera struggled with the low lighting, but I did take a few photos.  The video above by Luxmuralis on their Youtube channel gives much more of a flavour of what to expect.
It is a feast for the senses and can feel a bit overwhelming at times.
There is a specially composed soundtrack to go with each area, but these can all get somewhat muddled together.  I did hear Richard Burton several times, I think.
I particularly enjoyed the art of different cultures which was on the altar wall. I noticed Burne-Jones angels and a portrait by Ingres amongst the many images in this projection. 
The projection is the nave was really impressive.
This pattern is made from the icons on a mobile phone.
As we left, I took this rather atmospheric photo of the cathedral, in the drizzle and mist.
My previous visits in 2023 and 2024 are posted  - 'Science' here and 'Life' here.


  1. WOW!! Those colors. I've never seen anything like that. I'll have to do some googling to see if there's anything like that around me. Looks like something I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing, you got some really good photo's.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. The colours are beautiful and it does make you look at the architecture of the building with a different eye. I think there have been 'immersive' art exhibitions which travel around the world, such as a Van Gogh one, which went to Australia. Luxmuralis went to Minnesota but that was a few years ago - they seem to be UK based. These photos were the best of the ones I took (I took quite a lot!).
      Best wishes
