I am really looking forward to getting out into the garden and sorting out the winter damage, pruning roses, clematis, grasses etc. However, I can't really get started until March when hopefully the weather will be a little more co-operative. Until then, I am contenting myself with getting ready to sow seeds, planning the various jobs that need doing, ordering new plants and reading! The two books above are the latest additions to my library and are lovely books in their own right, as well as being full of information and encouragement. I really enjoyed Carol Klein's latest series from her own garden and her enthusiasm comes through whether on television or in a book or article. For some reason, various people I know have taken a dislike to her, but I don't have that problem at all. She seems to me to be exactly as she would be if you met her and I like people who are like that. The other book is taken from the author's gardening column and is thoughts and discussions about what is happening in the garden through the year. As you know, I loved her previous book,
The Morville Hours, and this book adds to my enjoyment as it is much more focused on the garden and has some lovely photographs of the garden too. Of course, her prose is just as beautiful as always, so I am really looking forward to settling down and losing myself for a few hours.
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