I tried some of the other myriad of quizzes on the same subject and the results of a couple of them were very disheartening. I was more than a little dismayed to find that I was most like Fanny Price (Mansfield Park). Fanny Price!! She is a snob, a wimp and allows other people to treat her badly and is a wallflower who can be easily ignored. She does have some good qualities, but I would much rather be like Elinor Dashwood than Fanny Price. Yes, she gets her man in the end, but it is more through luck than anything else. I was not impressed! Mansfield Park is my least favourite Jane Austen novel, so that was another reason not to be like Fanny Price. (Re-reading that, it does sound like a bit of a rant, but I hope that I don't share many qualities with her.)
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