Wednesday 27 November 2013

Autumn colour

I must admit that there hasn't been as much Autumn colour in my garden this year as I would like.  Leaves seem to have just fallen, without changing colour.  There are a couple of exceptions - hydrangea above and Prunus incisa Kojo-no-Mai below.
 This photo was taken last week and since then, all the leaves have fallen off the Prunus...
 ...and the hydrangea is looking like this, with more yellow on its leaves.
 The little geranium 'Rozanne' plants, which have featured before, are still flowering away in a sheltered part of the garden.
 Magnolia Stellata has lovely yellow leaves.
 Still, there are a few surprises, like this Campanula 'Iridescent Bells' (I think) which has decided to flower, even though it is nearly the end of November and it is still a young plant!
There are also a few glimpses of colour from the Fuchsias - this one is 'Lady Thumb' I think.  It helps that they are sheltered but it is lovely to be greeted with some colour, even if it is not necessarily autumnal!


  1. Ah well, even though their colour has faded and in some cases almost gone, your pics are still delightful Ellie, and you still have your lovely little geranium shining away for you - and the campanula and fuchsia are gorgeous colours too. Have a happy weekend, hugs, Joy xo

    1. Thanks, Joy. It's a bonus to still have colour in the garden, especially when it is summer rather than autumn colour. I know the campanula, fuchsia and geranium are on borrowed time now, but I am really enjoying their flowers.
      Have a lovely weekend too.
      Best wishes

  2. Lovely pics - your garden still looks pretty even if it's not with the usual autumnal colours. Mine is looking too wintery and bare already :-(
    Have a happy weekend. Xx

    1. Thanks, Gilly. The garden is beginning to look more autumnal/wintry now as the wind is playing havoc with the remaining leaves! I do like the changes of season though and winter is a great time to assess how the structure of the garden is working (hmm...) and what can be improved (I like to do this, even if I don't put any of the plans into action!)
      Have a lovely weekend yourself
      Best wishes

  3. It has been a strange autumn this one. The colours started to change here really early and leaves have clung on to the trees. After the winds that howled during last night I think many may now have shaken free though! Can you believe I still have the odd sweet pea? There are roses in but too...just waiting for the really hard frosts to come though!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    BH x

    1. Thanks, BH. I have seen some beautiful autumnal colours in some blog photos from different parts of the country, but around here, the changing colours haven't been as dramatic as in previous years. I think the winds today may well change things a lot! Sweet peas in (nearly) December! Wow! Roses do still flower occasionally for me during November and December, but the frosts and snow usually put an end to that!
      Have a great weekend too.
      Best wishes

  4. It seems to be a problem all round. We have been fortunate up here to have seen quite a bit of colour, but I have definitely seen better years. Enjoy your weekend xoxo

    1. Thnaks, Hannapat. I do enjoy seeing the change of seasons, despite this year not being quite so good as others.
      Have a lovely weekend too - I need to get going with making some presents!
      Best wishes

  5. Still nice to see a little bit of color in the garden isn't it?
    We have a lot of bulbs already showing their green leaves... a bit too early!
    And some little yellow flowers from the winter jasmine, one of the few things that we inherited from the previous owners of our house...
    Have a nice weekend, love from Mirjam.

    1. Thanks, Mirjam. It is really lovely to have this colour, but I am sure it can't last much longer. I noticed some grape hyacinth leaves the other day - they shouldn't be coming up yet either! I also have a winter jasmine in flower too and it was inherited from the previous owners as well! The bright yellow is so cheerful, isn't it?
      Have a great weekend.
      Best wishes
