Monday 9 December 2013

Stitching Sundays 14

 The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spied that it is, indeed, Monday, not Sunday.  I am making a bit of a habit of this just lately (I blame Christmas preparations which do seem to be rather taking over).  I don't actually have any visible progress on my latest project to show you, but I have been getting more inspiration, from a lovely book (which is a Christmas present to me from Chris, but which I couldn't resist having a sneaky peek through).  It has some lovely designs which sent my brain whizzing again! Details can be found here.
How about this for my design?  Perfect, isn't it?
Then I noticed this one as well.  I think the seed stitch is so effective here.  There are lots more fabulous designs in the book, which I'll save up for other projects.
I think I need to sketch out a design for my felt piece - I could just dive into the embroidery, but I think I would be happier with some sort of  basic plan.  That's my next job and hopefully, next Sunday I may have even started the stitching and have something to show you!


  1. I've had my eye on that book for a while, and those two designs look lovely! Keep me posted about the book and if you like it, it's not too late for me to add to my Xmas wish list... ;-) Chrissie x

    1. Thanks, Chrissie. From my very brief flick through, I would say, definitely add it to your wish list. There are lots of little projects with some lovely retro designs which could be easily incorporated into lots of things. I am looking forward to having a proper look on Christmas Day!
      Best wishes

  2. I love the use of seed stitch to depict those allium heads, that's very effective. I cannot begin any embroidery without drawing on the pattern or design in fading pen first. My brain can't cope with concentrating on the needle and a pattern all at the same time! x

    1. Thanks, Gillian. I think the seed stitch idea could also give a feel of dandelion heads too. I think I would be spending a lot of time unpicking if I didn't have some kind of rough plan!
      Best wishes

  3. Oh wow, that's perfect for your felt piece! So nice to know what to do next, isn't it?
    Love from Mirjam.

    1. Thanks, Mirjam. Yes, indeed it is - especially when it has taken me two years to get to this stage! I hope my interpretations will look as good as this one.
      Best wishes

  4. They are all gorgeous Ellie, I will forgive you for confusing me! I keep thinking today is sunday anyway because I have had the day off work to take my dad to a hospital appointment.

    1. Thanks, Anne. They are lovely designs and there are loads more in the book, but I will have to wait until Christmas Day for that! Sorry I muddled you up! I hope the appointment went well and you didn't have to wait for too long.
      Best wishes

  5. Dear Ellie,

    Thanks for your kind compliments on Rocky.

    I like your stitching in this post very much. Especially the first picture.


    1. Thank you, Brigitte. I wish I could say it was my stitching, but it is from the book! I am going to try some stitching like this though.
      Rocky the reindeer was great!
      Best wishes

  6. Oh that looks like a very interesting book Ellie, right up my alley and definitely whetting my tastebuds - thank you for that! I'll be looking forward to seeing your creative spirit producing another beautiful work of art! Hugs, Joy x

    1. Thanks, Joy. It does look to be a lovely book (not that I have really been able to study it, of course!) I am hoping to have made a start on some stitching by the weekend.
      Best wishes

  7. This looks like a really lovely book and I am so looking forward to seeing what you do with it. The idea of doing more embroidery on felt sounds very appealing. Have fun xoxo

    1. Thanks, Hannapat. It is a lovely book and I am looking forward to starting work on my design. I am really enjoying the embroidery I've been doing.
      Best wishes

  8. Hi

    I'm just catching up with everyone to see how they are getting on with their cracker swaps

    I know it's a busy time of year but we are getting closer to last posting dates (i'm working on mine this weekend with the hope of getting it out early next week)

    please can you make sure you have made contact with your swap partner and exchanged addresses

    I'm really looking forward to seeing what you send and receive

    1. Thanks, Tracy. Mine is nearly ready and I am going to email my recipient to check all is OK with her as I don't think she is physically very well at the moment. I'll post what is sent and received as soon as we have completed the swap.
      Best wishes
