Thursday 21 December 2023

Winter gardening and looking forward

So far, December has been wet, grey and a bit dismal.  The garden is looking rather bedraggled and unkempt.  I leave all the flower heads and seed heads over winter, for insects and birds and winter interest. When I venture out, which is most days, I look forward to seeing the garden changing with the seasons. I am trying to have something in flower for every month in the year and so far, I think the garden is managing that. Above is camellia Yoimachi, proving it was a good buy.
There is also Camellia Yuletide, a relatively recent addition, but with lovely red flowers.  It is certainly earning its place.
While not yet in flower, some of my hellebores are showing they will be soon. Above is Hellebore Ericsmithii Winter Sunshine.  I was very excited to see these buds.
Here is hellebore Hello White Pearl, proving to be a real stalwart, along with...
...Hellebore Hello Ruby.  While I don't want to wish the days away, it's lovely to be able to look forward to what is yet to come.


  1. Garden walks are always exciting aren't they? Though sometimes a bit dispiriting too. I look forward to seeing the 'bones' of the garden each winter and seeing what I can add, move or remove... And new growth is always a thrill. I do love being able to welcome back old friends.

    1. Thanks, EC. Welcoming back old friends to the garden is always lovely. I am also taking stock and thinking what else I would like to have as well as what I can let go of. I am considering some more phlox plants, as the ones I have got have done well and are pretty undemanding. Salvia Amistad was a winner this last summer, so I certainly need some more of those.
      Best wishes

  2. It hasn't been the best time for gardens just lately, and we've got the high winds back again today. Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks, Jo. No, the continuing rain and then the high winds have been a challenge. Let's hope for better things next year.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family too.
      Best wishes
