Wednesday 6 December 2023

Winter has arrived

Last week it was much colder, as winter started to make itself felt.  Above is Clematis Wyevale looking beautifully statuesque with a dusting of frost.  
As we were going into the city centre, we were stopped in our tracks by these amazing icy spiders' webs. 
They look so beautiful.
I can't remember ever seeing something similar, although it could be I just wasn't looking!
These are all at the front of the house, along the railings.
Aren't they incredible?
Then on Sunday morning, this is what greeted us.
Even with the frost, ice and snow, this salvia, Cerro Potosi, still had a flower.
The winter flowering jasmine was also braving the temperatures.
I also found two raspberries - one was eaten before I took the photo - and they still tasted good!


  1. Oooh. Summer has definitely arrived here. Colour me jealous. I would be thinking of freezing bubbles. I love those spider webs too. Incredible architecture.

    1. Thanks, EC. I'm never up early enough in the morning to freeze bubbles! I do love seeing yours though. Those cobwebs were amazing - I had to rush back in the house and get my camera as they were just too good to miss.
      Best wishes

  2. The spider webs look amazing Ellie. Just something so beautiful about them with the frost on them. I hope you are managing to keep warm - we are heating up here, dry & having to water the gardens. Take care Ellie x0x

    1. Thanks, Julie. The webs did look beautiful. It has been a bit warmer but rather wetter this week and the river levels are really high again, which is a bit worrying. It's a shame we can't send you some of our rain!
      Best wishes
