Thursday 4 January 2024

2023 - a year in plants

I had seen a lovely idea for a review of plants during 2023 on a blog I follow (Elephant's Child - the blog owner is in Australia) and she said she would like to see my version, so here it is.
January 2023 is Winter flowering honeysuckle, (Lonicera Fragrantissima or Purpusii) which has small flowers, but on a sunny day they pack a punch of lily of the valley scent.  
February is the 'common' snowdrop - Galanthus nivalis.  One of my all time favourites.
March had to be the daffodil - Narcissus Tete a Tete.
April is Tulip Ronaldo, which for me is a reliable repeat flowerer and lasts well in the garden.
May is the Allium, which could be Purple Sensation or Globemaster.
June is all about the roses in my garden and here is Rosa Eyes for You.
July is Salvia Amistad which was a joy and delight all the summer and into Autumn and Winter.
August is Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu, again a reliable and beautiful plant.
September is Helianthus Lemon Queen which is a perennial sunflower and can be a bit of a thug. I love the cheerful flowers.  
October is Liriope Muscari which is left to its own devices and flowers away each year.
November is Salvia Cerro Potosi which is a vibrant fuchsia colour and continued to flower through the summer and right up to December in 2023. 
December is represented by Camellia Yuletide and it did flower in December 2023.
So, there is my review.  I could have chosen many others, such as clematis, hydrangeas, astrantias, jasmine, miscanthus etc, but they all get their moment on my blog during the year anyway.  I wonder what plants will do well in the coming year?


  1. Thank you so much for this post - and for giving a LOT more detail than I did. Isn't it lovely to have beauties to look forward to in the garden all year round?

    1. Thanks, EC. It was tricky to choose just one plant for some months, but I managed! Yes, it certainly is. I spied my first snowdrop the other day! We are due some colder weather and frosts now, so it will be interesting to see how the winter flowering plants cope.
      Best wishes

  2. What a lovely post Ellie & such a wonderful idea to review the year in flowers. Thank you for this post 💗

    1. Thanks, Julie. I thought it was a lovely idea when I saw it on Elephant's Child's blog. It's nice to enjoy a bit of colour when everything is looking a bit grey and dreary here!
      Best wishes

  3. So many pretty flowers. I'm afraid we go months without flowers, so I wouldn't be able to show something for each month. Thanks for the colors, it made me smile.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. It's nice to hear that the flowers made you smile. They did for me too, especially as it is all rather grey here at the moment.
      Best wishes

  4. Waving hi as I make my blog rounds, hoping all is well with you. It's been grey alot for me of late as well.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. Hi to you as well. We are enjoying some colder but much brighter weather at the moment, which is a nice change.
      Best wishes

  5. What a great idea! You have your own pin up calendar :) x

    1. Thanks, Lulu. I hadn't thought of that but what a great idea! I shall have to investigate that one.
      Best wishes
