http://www.stkatherineslincoln.co.uk/. The music included Monteverdi, Byrd, Bach, Handel, Telemann and Purcell to name but a few, and quite a few other composers I hadn't heard of. The musical instruments were modern reproductions of original instruments and gave a very different sound from the metal and plastic ones we are more familiar with today. Recorders, flutes, an electronic piano which doubled as a harpsichord and church organ and a viol (a bit like a modern cello but smaller and lighter apparently) were all used with flair and skill. I particularly enjoyed a piece by Marco Uccellini (1610 - 1680) called 'Aria sopra la Bergamasca', which was light, bright and beautiful, and a piece by Purcell (1659-1695) called 'Evening Hymn - now that the sun hath veil'd' which was tranquil and serene but with touches of melancholy. Another thoroughly enjoyable evening.
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