Saturday 7 September 2019

Gardeners' Question Time

Chris and I were very lucky to be able to go to a recording of Radio 4's Gardeners' Question Time which took place in Lincoln last Tuesday night.  It's a programme I always try to listen to on a Sunday afternoon and to be at a recording was a bit of a bucket list opportunity.  We duly arrived at the time specified and were entertained by a playlist of music all with gardening or plant associations, such as 'A good year for the roses' by Elvis Costello, 'Flowers in the Rain' by The Move and the slightly more tenuous 'Sitting on the Dock of the Bay' by Otis Redding.
Chris took the opportunity to take a photo before the evening got going
A man came onto the stage and gave the safety information as well as announcing the first set of questions and those people were asked to sit on the front row.  Kathy Clugston, the presenter, then introduced herself and the panel, Matt Biggs, Pippa Greenwood and Mathew Wilson.  There were lots of interesting questions ranging from dealing with pests and diseases to renovating trees, how best to use chicken manure and everything in between.  (Sadly, neither my question on pruning a hibiscus and Chris' on dealing with a plantaholic wife who has used every space in their small garden weren't chosen.)
What I found most interesting was the interplay between the presenter and panel; face pulling and gesturing to show that a panellist wanted or didn't want to contribute, being the most obvious.  Kathy Clugston also had to keep the pace right, deal with comments from the producer in her earpiece, re-do some linking pieces and introductions, think of suitable comments to round off each question while  remaining calm and relaxed - not an easy role at all.
Chris said he had really enjoyed the evening too, which is high praise as he is not really a gardener.  The shows will be broadcast on 20th September 2019 and 18th October 2019 and it will be fascinating to hear the final edited versions. 


  1. Interesting to know how it is recorded. Every time I put the car radio on it always seems to be Gardeners Question Time. I am not a dedicated gardener but it passes the time while driving.

    1. Thanks, Meanqueen. It was really fascinating to take part in the programme and I shall listen particularly carefully as Chris has a very distinctive laugh!
      Best wishes

  2. It does sound like a heap of fun - and a wonderful thing to tick off your bucket list. I suspect that Chris's question would have struck a chord in many homes including ours... What a shame they didn't use it.

    1. Thanks, EC. It was so interesting to see how the programmes are put together and has given me a new appreciation of the difficult job a presenter has to do. Chris' question would have been a good one to end the programme with - but I would have been a bit embarrassed!
      Best wishes

  3. Sounds like be there and see how things are done. Sorry your questions didn't make it; but sounds like you considered the evening a success anyway.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. It would have been great to have our questions answered, but there was still a lot to enjoy - and we did!
      Best wishes

  4. I love going to radio recordings, we have been to a few now as most if not all are free. I was on this programme in 2004, I got to ask a question it was a bit nerve wracking but like you say it was fun and interesting to hear the final version.

    1. Thanks and welcome sustainablemum. In one way, I'm glad my question wasn't chosen as I would have been so nervous that I probably wouldn't have heard the answer!
      Best wishes

  5. What a great night out, something totally different to the norm, and so interesting to see how it's all recorded. What a shame your questions weren't chosen though, that would have been the icing on the cake.

    1. Thanks, Jo. It was a very different and interesting evening. I wouldn't want to be the presenter though - what a difficult job!
      Best wishes
