Sunday 29 September 2019

Walking round the garden, whatever the weather

 We have had quite unsettled weather this week.  There have been beautiful blue skies...
...roses enjoying the sunshine (Olivia Rose Austin)...
 ...dry days which the sempervivums have liked...
 ...and the japanese anemones, both white...
 ...and pink.
 When we have had rain, the droplets settled beautifully on the alchemilla mollis leaves.
 They look a bit like liquid mercury.
 Clematis Prince Charles looked really awful and brown last month, so I cut it back and it has rewarded me by re-growing and flowering, which was an unexpected and very welcome bonus.  Some flowers have five petals...
 ...and others have four. 
 The little hydrangea I bought at RHS Chatsworth is turning shades of pearly pink and green.
 Liriope Muscari is getting bigger every year and giving a very welcome splash of colour to a shady border.
 The combination of buddleia, perennial sunflower and aster look lovely when the sun shines.
It has rained all day today, on and off, but occasionally, there is the reward of a rainbow.  Seeing one never fails to amaze me.


  1. My little garden is just about finished now. I cut the last 3 roses when the wind and rain came to give them a bit longer.

    1. Thanks, Briony. Gardens can give a lot of pleasure, no matter the size. My aim is to have something interesting in the garden throughout the year. I'm not there yet but am enjoying working on it!
      Best wishes

  2. Any day with a rainbow is improved immensely. Immediately.
    I too walk the garden often. Exulting in successes, mourning failures and revelling in the beauty. And love, as always, your garden.

    1. Thanks, EC. I do marvel at a rainbow and agree that any day is improved if you see one. On 'Gardeners World' on Friday, they were saying that people need to be out in nature (whether that is woodland, fields, other green spaces or gardens) for two hours a week to gain the benefit for mental health and wellbeing. Of course, gardeners spend much longer than that. I do enjoy just walking round the garden (which doesn't take very long at all, often first thing in the morning while I am still in my pyjamas and dressing gown - apologies for that mental image!)
      Best wishes

    2. I do very similar things here. Which may frighten the neighbours...

    3. Dear EC
      You're definitely a kindred spirit!
      Best wishes

  3. I think the weather this week is very similar, torrential rain yesterday and blue skies and sunshine today, hooray! Your garden is still putting on such a lovely display of colour for you. What a beautiful rose, such a gorgeous shade of pink, and I love the liriope, I have one in my garden, bought a few years ago as a small plant but it's put on plenty of growth and is a lovely plant to give a splash of colour at this time of year.

    1. Thanks, Jo. I think we're still due the unsettled weather for a while yet. I am thankful we haven't yet had the terrible floods some places have had. The liriope took a while to get going and it does get forgotten about through most of the year, until it flowers and reminds me what a good plant it is!
      Best wishes
