Monday 3 April 2023

Spring flowers

Spring is one of my favourite times of year. To be more precise, the time between April and the end of May is one of my favourite times of year.  Everything looks new and fresh.  Primroses are in flower.
I bought mixed grape hyacinths last autumn and planted them in various pots in both the front and back gardens.  I do like this lighter blue one.
The shape of this one is rather fabulous too.
The scillas are flowering away now.
Another 'mixed blue' grape hyacinth.  I like the different shades of blue in this one.
My little standard cherry is in full flower now and I am really enjoying the flowers. They don't last that long, but are a beautiful sight.
Finally, these tulips are the earliest into flower in the border.  I think they must be Brown Sugar (although they may be Cairo).  There are lots of others on the way, so they will probably get a blog post to themselves.
Here's a close up of one of the flowers.  I hope we don't get a prolonged cold snap this month, like there was last year.  There is a lot more to enjoy in the next few weeks.


  1. Beautiful flowers Ellie, how lovely to have tulips already, my favourite flower. I did remember to plant more tulip bulbs this winter and now have many more pushing up, my grape hyacinths are close to flowering too. You are right this is a wonderful time of year for flowers

    1. Thanks, sustainablemum. The tulips in the border are really enjoying the sunshine we have today. I do love this time of year! Have a lovely Easter weekend.
      Best wishes
