Sunday 20 August 2023

Wanderlust 2023 - weeks twenty-five to thirty-two - Mists and Sprays

The next supply focus was mists and sprays, such as Distress Oxides, or Distress Spray stain or Dylusions sprays.  We made a mosaic using misted and sprayed papers together with photos.
Week twenty-six was again about using sprays to make backgrounds and then cutting out shapes.
I threw myself into this portrait.  The background was using sprays but the portrait was done using pencil crayons.  I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed this. It was easier drawing someone with their eyes shut!
We mixed sprays and acrylic ink to make these backgrounds and layered up different patterns and marks.
I really enjoyed week twenty-nine as we sprayed the background then masked off the shapes and added stencils and lots of other layers.  Cutting the letters out of the black card was a challenge but it really helped to have a sharp blade on the craft knife!
Then it was a collage background and stencils.  I made myself choose warm colours (as my usual go to are the cooler colours).
I really enjoyed this piece too.  I chose to draw primroses for my Granny, marigolds for my Mum and lilies for me (as they were in my wedding bouquet and the church flowers - many years ago!)  I like the contrast between the black and white drawings and the painted flowers.
The artful musings week was about making an inspiring creative space.  I have started a page but have only started the background and am considering what to do next.

We move on to Pigments and Powders now.


  1. Wow. Lots of beauties, and I am particularly (but not exclusively) drawn to the portrait this week.

    1. Thanks, EC. I was really pleased with how it turned out - I am getting better at portraits but still find them a challenge. The teacher gave us very good instructions on how to draw this one, which helped a lot.
      Best wishes

  2. Ooooh, lovely vibrant orange & pink flowers for three generations :) I can imagine the top ones as a mosaic wall xXX

    1. Thanks, Lulu. Now you come to mention it, there is a bit of a Gaudi-esque feeling to the mosaic one which I hadn't noticed!
      Best wishes
