Thursday 24 August 2023

Working small and slowly and The Inchie Challenge 2023

The Inchie Challenge, run by Amy Maricle, at Mindful Art Studio is over for another year.  I discovered Amy back in June/July, through my art journaling course where she was the teacher for one lesson.  I mentioned her in a previous post about the art journaling course.  She used to be an art therapist and her work is about slowing down and also creating big pieces from small pieces.  

My page from the art journaling course

I loved creating the page slowly, using watercolour and a black pen and have since taken two of her courses, bought her book, Draw Yourself Calm, and join in with her weekly slow drawing on Youtube on a Wednesday at 6pm in the UK. 

The Inchie Challenge is twelve daily prompts to encourage a daily art practice.  On the top row, left to right are: Frothy, Woven, Bark and Magnolia. In the centre, left to right are: Spill, Knot, Touching, Boxes.  On the bottom row, left to right are: Fern, River, Art Poem and Moon. These squares are actually 2 x 2 inches in size, so are really twinchies, but she prefers the word inchies.

What has really surprised me is that I like working small using a black permanent pen and watercolours.  I have always thought I was a 'more is more' person, with my love of mixed media, but I am embracing the small format and few supplies this needs. I have lots of scraps of watercolour card from other projects and this is a great way to use them. I am finding it to be incredibly meditative, as repeating shapes and lines is a major element.    

I am now starting to work on two journals for her two courses and slowly starting to work through her book too. 


  1. I love that she is stretching your horizons with her slow and small mantra - it seems counter intuitive, but has worked for you.

    1. Thanks, EC. Working small and slowing down has been a revelation for me. I also like that I don't need a huge lot of equipment or space in order to create something. The next stage will be to start creating my own patterns.
      Best wishes

  2. Sounds like you really enjoyed the work and learning new things. Seeing your small pieces side by side remines me of a quilt.

    1. Thanks, Sandy. I do enjoy learning new things and this is a new thing which doesn't require purchasing any more supplies, so it's a win all round. It does look a bit like a quilt, but that's the idea - work small to then become something big (if that's how you want to go).
      Best wishes

  3. Hello Ellie love, I am here for a long overdue catch up on what you've been up to. Those squares you have made are beautiful. I love the idea of building something big from small bits. The slow drawing sounds really lovely too xXx

    1. Thanks, Lulu. It has been such a surprise that I really enjoy these small pieces of drawing/watercolour. I love that you don't need much equipment and can gain a bit of relaxation time too. I enjoy the slow drawing on Youtube on a Wednesday evening - there is a bit of meditation first (just tuning in to sounds around you and relaxing yourself ready for the drawing) and then drawing and repetition of the patterns. Amy's book is really good too with lots of patterns to draw and use as starting points. You can tell I'm a fan!
      Best wishes

  4. I like the idea of working on such a small space, surely anyone is capable of giving this a go whereas it can be quite daunting when you're presented with a large area to cover.

    1. Thanks, Jo. Yes, it is certainly achievable and anyone could give this a go. I love the 'slow' aspect to this as well - it's about the process but if you are happy with the end result, that's a bonus!
      Best wishes
