Saturday 18 November 2023

Jobs in the garden

 I have been busy doing some gardening tasks as and when I can.  I have finally got my tulips planted, delayed by hurting my back a few weeks ago (the spinal facet joint).  After a couple of visits to an osteopath and being very careful, making sure I bend my knees, it is better, so I have been able to do a few jobs. However, they have taken me longer than usual, as I have just done a little at a time. I have planted my tulips for next year - just three pots.

At the front of the house is Orange Emperor (picture above from Avon Bulbs).  In the two pots in the back garden are: 

Brown Sugar... (my photo from the garden in Spring 2023)

...and Ronaldo (also my photo from the garden in Spring 2023).  Ronaldo seems to last particularly well.
I have also insulated the pots which really needed it - again this took a while.  There may be others to do as the weather gets colder but I can do those as and when.  
I may have ordered a new grass, Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Foerster, so I am looking forward to receiving that - probably not until the beginning of December. I have a Calamagrostis Overdam which is a lovely plant, so am hoping Karl Foerster will be too.  He will go into the sunny border.
In Spring, I need to do a lot of re-potting. All my roses, my ornamental standard cherry and patio apple need to go into larger tubs.
There are always plans to make and autumn/winter is a good time to make them!


  1. Gosh what stunning colours Ellie. They will be beautiful. You have reminded me that I need to lift my bulbs out of their pots. They were not good this year & I think they need lifting & repotting. Enjoy the week Ellie, x0x

    1. Thanks, Julie. I didn't used to like orange in the garden, but now I do, especially in tulips. I haven't bought my all-time favourite tulip (Ballerina - colour and a beautiful scent too) for a couple of years because I was really disappointed with the last ones I had. They do come back in the border though, so I still have some to enjoy.
      Happy gardening!
      Best wishes

  2. I am so sorry to read about your back - and glad to hear it is getting better. I am sure you will enjoy the fruits of your labour (as we will) when the pain is a distant memory.

    1. Thanks, EC. I initially hurt it a few years ago after leaning over for too long when I was pruning box bushes. I have yet to learn that I need to be a bit more careful with it now and do some strengthening exercises! I always look forward to seeing the tulips, even if I only have three pots of them next year. I hope the ones in the border will continue to come back.
      Best wishes

  3. Good job Ellie on getting your bulb beauties in and bending from ze knees! I hope the back continues to get better. Oooh, I remember your Ronaldos from spring - just lovely xXx

    1. Thanks, Lulu. 'Bend Ze Knees' is my new mantra! I am recovered now but it's easy to forget and do the wrong thing! Ronaldo is a really good doer I have found, although Brown Sugar is more reliable for coming back the next year.
      Best wishes

  4. I hope your back's much better by now. I suffer terribly with my back these days, the slightest thing can set it off so I know how painful it can be. You've made some lovely tulip choices. I've planted my bulbs in the border this year, with moving house last year I'm not sure how well they'll do yet, perhaps I'd have been better planting them in pots as I did at my last house, time will tell.

    1. Thanks, Jo. My back is better but I now know that I need to treat it with more care than I have done in the past. Having that pain wasn't pleasant! I tend to choose perennial tulips so that once they have flowered in the pots, I can plant them in the border and they will hopefully come back again the next year. Brown Sugar certainly does this.
      Best wishes

  5. Glad you're getting relief and learning how to bend differently to protect your body. I have a lot of daffodils to plant, but haven't gotten around to it yet, and really need to before it gets colder. How do you insulate your pots that you're able to plant in pots vs the ground? Beautiful tulips.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. It was a lesson that I will remember - my knees are complaining a bit but I hope they'll adapt to more use! I insulate my pots with bubble wrap which I use and reuse until it falls apart. So far, some of it has lasted a good five years plus. I wrap the pots and then secure the bubble wrap with twine. I have left a few pots such as my roses and will keep an eye on the weather. I can always do more if necessary. I always look forward to seeing the tulips.
      Best wishes
