Thursday 1 February 2024

Good things to come

I am enjoying wandering round the garden at the moment.  Above are some snowdrops in the border, tantalisingly close to being fully open.  These tall ones, probably Elwesii or something similar were from my Mum's garden many years ago.  They may need to be divided, if I could ever remember to do this at the right time!
More promise of things to come. Here is a camellia, probably a japonica  which was a present from Mum and I have no idea what variety it is. It is a double and has nice plump flower buds.  It needs to be in a bigger pot now.
I was pruning some of my roses this afternoon and the scent from the winter flowering honeysuckle was lovely. The scent is best on a sunny day and it is like lily of the valley - a fresh, delicious scent.  As I have said before, this is a straggly birds' nest of a shrub but all is forgiven when it is flowering on a sunny day!


  1. What a pretty time of year you are coming in to in your garden Ellie. I love the see the things springing into bud. It is such a wonderful season. We can feel just the slightest touches of autumn in the air here & some of the trees are losing their leaves although this is mainly due to the dry weather. Wishing you a wonderful weekend Ellie x0x

    1. Thanks, Julie. My favourite time of year in the UK is February to June. I love seeing things budding up too - it's so encouraging. I have really enjoyed being out in the garden today, potting a rose into a larger pot (it didn't want to move and was most unhelpful, but I got it sorted), pruning and cutting back, accompanied by a couple of robins and a blackbird. It was good to be alive!
      Have a lovely weekend too.
      Best wishes

  2. I'm pea green with envy that you have flowers sprouting. Enjoy this special time in your garden. Look forward to seeing more flowers as time goes on.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. I am certainly enjoying the time in the garden when I can. I have been cutting down miscanthus grasses today. I am sure there will be lots of flowers to share as we move closer to Spring.
      Best wsihes
