Thursday 6 June 2024

Roses, roses, roses...and clematis

The roses are blooming, despite the wet Spring we have had and I am loving them!.  Above, starting top left, going clockwise: Jacques Cartier; Mary Rose; Kew Gardens and Cottage Rose.
Again, top left, going clockwise: Olivia Rose Austin; Susan Williams-Ellis; Geoff Hamilton and Charles de Mills.
Top left, clockwise: Blush Noisette; Emily Bronte; Eyes for You and For Your Eyes Only.
Top is Dannahue, bottom right is Constance Spry and finally Gertrude Jekyll.  I still have a few which aren't in flower yet - William Shakespeare 2000, Ferdinand Pichard, New Dawn and Roald Dahl.  For a small garden, I have managed to squeeze a lot of roses in!  (I still have my eye on Bring me Sunshine, but I haven't quite got room for it...yet!)  

To add to the lovely roses, a couple of clematis are flowering too and they make good companions.  Above is Venosa Violacea.
Here is Prince Charles.  Princess Kate, Blue Angel and Perle D'Azur are not quite there yet, but are budding up.  No doubt there will be more photos to come...


  1. How very, very beautiful. And a deep breath in your garden must smell delicious.

    1. Thanks, EC. Yes, the perfumes are lovely and more stronger in the sun. All these roses have some scent and Gertrude Jekyll has the strongest fragrance. I have a small Philadelphus (Little White Love) (orange blossom) which also has a lovely scent, again, more obvious in the sun.
      Best wishes

  2. Gosh you have such a beautiful selection of different roses Ellie - just stunning!!! Do you pick some & put inside in vases or do you just enjoy them in your garden I wonder? xx

    1. Thanks, Julie. They are looking lovely, although the leaves are being attached by rose sawfly caterpillars, which I don't like at all! I do pick some flowers to enjoy the scent indoors but I leave the majority in the garden. Some, like Geoff Hamilton, don't like the rain and end up being a soggy ball of petals, so I have to prune these away, or cut them and bring them in before they go all soggy! Roses are one of my favourite plants and I love June as they have their first flowering then.
      Best wishes
