Sunday 30 June 2024

William, Ferdinand, Perle and others

The garden plants have enjoyed all the rain we had in Spring and are flowering away happily at the moment. Above is Clematis Perle D'Azur growing on the arch... 
...and from the other side.  These were taken a few days ago.
Here it is this morning, being very floriferous!
Rose William Shakespeare 2000 is also in full flower and attempting to take over that part of the garden.
Rose Ferdinand Pichard is well behaved and produces flowers packed with scent.
Rose Blush Noisette is also having a good year.
Clematis Princess Kate has been flowering for a few weeks now and... 
is still doing well.  Clematis Prince Charles is in the background.  Things will start to change again as we go into July and August, but I'm looking forward to seeing the phlox, the agapanthus and then the perennial sunflower and asters.  Gardening always gives you something to look forward to.


  1. Beeyootiful. William Shakespears is a David Austen isn't it? Enjoy your garden, the colours and the scents.

    1. Thanks, EC. Yes, there is a lot to enjoy at the moment. William Shakespeare 2000 is a David Austin variety. He is supposed to get to 1m in height but mine thinks he is a climbing rose, as he is as tall as the top of the trellis so far. I love his flowers though, so he is definitely a keeper (even if he is outgrowing his space a bit!)!
      I do enjoy the garden so much and hopefully will continue to do so for many years to come!
      Best wishes

  2. Gorgeous, you surely have a green thumb. Was out doing some work in the gardens yesterday. Thanks for sharing all your beauties.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. I don't think I can take much credit - it's more down to the weather! The roses and clematis do seem to be enjoying the cooler, wetter weather we have had this year.
      I do enjoy being in my little garden.
      Best wishes
