Sunday 28 July 2024

End of July in the Garden

The garden is slowly changing as the summer progresses.  Above is the phlox in a pot in the back garden, which has benefited from being divided as it is flowering the best I have ever seen it.
This ipomea or morning glory was given to me by my friend, Alison.  We were both saying that there were no flowers, but then I saw this! The flower only lasts for a day but it is stunning while it is there. 
I also divided the agapanthus Navy Blue, again in a pot.  I wasn't expecting it to flower but each division has give me two flowers, and I do enjoy that lovely blue.
They are very exotic looking flowers.
Speaking of exotic looking, here is one of my favourites, which always gets a mention, Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu (Blue Bird).  My tricolour flowered hibiscus is in bud but not in flower yet.  
Finally, here is Anemone Bressingham Glow, always the first japanese anemone to flower in the garden.  I hope it will continue to flower into early autumn. It is much hotter and sunnier here at the moment and we are due a hot week to come (well, hot for the UK).  I don't really like the heat and am much happier with about 21 degrees centigrade and a nice breeze!  

Sunday 21 July 2024

Feeling a bit 'meh' and some nice things

 You know how sometimes you just have a day/week that is a bit 'meh'?  You can't necessarily say what is wrong, but you just feel out of sorts.  I had one of those last week.  I am usually a fairly content person, but things got to me a bit last week and I was feeling a bit down.  My lovely husband bought me these flowers to cheer me up, which was very thoughtful of him.  Sunflowers, agapanthus, lilies and some foliage.  I have been enjoying seeing the lilies open and although sometimes the scent can be overpowering, this one has a gentle scent, which is just there in the background.

To quote Winnie the Pooh, "Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon" (or flowers!).
I had noticed this self sown foxglove and was watching it grow.  It has surprised me as it is at the front of the house, growing through gravel and a weed suppressing membrane.  However, it seems to be doing well.
Also at the front of the house, in a pot, is this phlox, which is a division from a plant in the back.  I divided it earlier in the year and it had rewarded me with the biggest flowers it has ever had.  I have another division planted in the shadier border in the back garden and that is also starting to flower.  The other division is back in the original pot, but with refreshed compost and is also looking good.  
There are always good things to be grateful for, which is something I need to remember on those 'meh' days!

Sunday 14 July 2024

Sunshine and Mandalas

We haven't see a lot of sun recently and while the cooler temperatures have been fine for me, I agree that a little sun now and again would be nice.  There are some plants giving that sunshine vibe, such as this sunflower.  My sister-in-law grew it and I plonked it rather unceremoniously into a pot under the lilac tree.  However, it has rewarded me with this rather lovely flower.
It is like a burst of sunshine, isn't it?
Rose Roald Dahl is also flowering, somewhat later than the other roses, but it is not in the best place as it it rather shaded.  I shall have to see whether I can move it into the light a bit more.
In other news, I was asked to draw some mandalas by a friend, who wasn't sure whether she preferred black and white or coloured, so I did both. They were very enjoyable to make and quite a relaxing activity.  I was inspired after taking a class with Kate Crane - For the Love of Circles.  She showed how with simple shapes, you can build up what looks like a complicated pattern.  My friend chose the black and white one, which I must admit, I liked best too!  I need to draw some more.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Some cards from this far

Here are some of the cards I have been making this year, so far.  Above was one for my brother-in-law, using some layering stencils. 
This collaged one was for my colleague at work, celebrating her love of entomology.  I was really pleased with how the collaged beetles turned out.  I had made the papers previously so this really is all my own work.
I added an extra beetle on the back and stamped the gift envelope.
A pretty butterfly...with some white on white flower die cuts behind it which look really effective and add some texture.
A card for my sister-in-law using some slow drawing patterns on the front, the envelope...
...and the inside.
A card for a fox loving friend.  
Collage, stamping and die cuts were used for this one.  She has used the fox tag as a bookmark, I believe.
A card inspired by Alison Bomber (Words and Pictures) who is my latest 'must see' creator on Youtube. I have recently bought several of her beautiful stamp sets and although this flower isn't one of hers, the background is inspired by one of her videos. 

There will no doubt be more cards made in the next six months!