Sunday 28 July 2024

End of July in the Garden

The garden is slowly changing as the summer progresses.  Above is the phlox in a pot in the back garden, which has benefited from being divided as it is flowering the best I have ever seen it.
This ipomea or morning glory was given to me by my friend, Alison.  We were both saying that there were no flowers, but then I saw this! The flower only lasts for a day but it is stunning while it is there. 
I also divided the agapanthus Navy Blue, again in a pot.  I wasn't expecting it to flower but each division has give me two flowers, and I do enjoy that lovely blue.
They are very exotic looking flowers.
Speaking of exotic looking, here is one of my favourites, which always gets a mention, Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu (Blue Bird).  My tricolour flowered hibiscus is in bud but not in flower yet.  
Finally, here is Anemone Bressingham Glow, always the first japanese anemone to flower in the garden.  I hope it will continue to flower into early autumn. It is much hotter and sunnier here at the moment and we are due a hot week to come (well, hot for the UK).  I don't really like the heat and am much happier with about 21 degrees centigrade and a nice breeze!  


  1. Beautiful, and such vibrant colours. I think the plants have enjoyed the sunny weather we've had recently, though it's poured down overnight here. I'd much rather it rain during the night and be fine during the day than the other way around though.

    1. Thanks, Jo. Yes, that would be perfect for the gardens and farmers, wouldn't it? I would love the night time temperatures to drop a bit, but that will come soon enough.
      Best wishes

  2. Gorgeous and then some. I'm pea green with envy at your phlox. It's my favorite in my yard. It was just starting to bloom and we had 7 deer two days ago, I now have no blossoms. I'm not a happy camper. We did our best to chase them off, but everytime I looked out the window they were there...either the same ones or different ones at various times during the day. You must have a green thumb to have such lovely flowers.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. The phlox didn't look that good last year - it is only since I divided and repotted it that is has flowered so nicely. Sorry to hear about the deer - while they are lovely animals, they do make such a mess. I don't take much credit for the flowers but I do love to see them!
      Best wishes
