Sunday 21 July 2024

Feeling a bit 'meh' and some nice things

 You know how sometimes you just have a day/week that is a bit 'meh'?  You can't necessarily say what is wrong, but you just feel out of sorts.  I had one of those last week.  I am usually a fairly content person, but things got to me a bit last week and I was feeling a bit down.  My lovely husband bought me these flowers to cheer me up, which was very thoughtful of him.  Sunflowers, agapanthus, lilies and some foliage.  I have been enjoying seeing the lilies open and although sometimes the scent can be overpowering, this one has a gentle scent, which is just there in the background.

To quote Winnie the Pooh, "Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon" (or flowers!).
I had noticed this self sown foxglove and was watching it grow.  It has surprised me as it is at the front of the house, growing through gravel and a weed suppressing membrane.  However, it seems to be doing well.
Also at the front of the house, in a pot, is this phlox, which is a division from a plant in the back.  I divided it earlier in the year and it had rewarded me with the biggest flowers it has ever had.  I have another division planted in the shadier border in the back garden and that is also starting to flower.  The other division is back in the original pot, but with refreshed compost and is also looking good.  
There are always good things to be grateful for, which is something I need to remember on those 'meh' days!


  1. I am sorry you had a meh week. They happen but are dispiriting. Love your flowers (those in the garden and those your husband gave you). Definitely cheering. Hugs.

    1. Thanks, EC. All is on an even keel again this week (so far!). Flowers certainly helped me to cheer up. In the great scheme of things, I really don't have much to feel sad/depressed about and I have a lot to be grateful for.
      Thank you for the virtual hug - much appreciated!
      Best wishes

  2. How sweat of your hubby to brighten up your meh with the lovely flowers. I love Phlox. They have such a nice aroma. I've not tried to separate mine perhaps I should.
    Sandy's Space My meh comes and goes with the political climate we're dealing with, it troubles me greatly.

    1. Thanks, Sandy. It was sweet of him to buy me the flowers and I really appreciated it. My original Phlox plant was in a pot so it has benefited from being divided. Gardening wisdom suggests perennials need dividing every three to five years to ensure they stay vigorous and healthy. I sympathise over the political climate. The world is so full of unrest and I feel it is more important than ever to find the little things in our days that we can enjoy.
      Best wishes

  3. Hello Ellie ... how special & wonderfully kind your husband was. The flowers are beautiful & I am sure the sight of sunflowers cannot ever help but cheer us up. I have those foxgloves here in the summer - I love them but I have lost count of the number of folk that tell me they are weeds. They are hardy too so I am not surprised it has managed to grow through your weed mat. I hope this week is better for you Ellie x0x

    1. Thanks, Julie. The flowers were a lovely surprise and were enjoyed for a week. A weed is only a plant in the wrong place, we are told. Foxgloves are not weeds in my book as they are great for pollinators, grow well from seed and look beautiful in flower. I have sown some white and some apricot ones for next year. All is well again, thank you - it was (hopefully) just a blip!
      Have a good week
      Best wishes
