Tuesday 27 August 2024

Doddington Hall visit - Sculpture (part two)

For the second instalment of sculptures which caught my eye at Doddington Hall, let's start with this chilled out polar bear called 'Adrift' by Jonathan Loxley.  I particularly liked the contrast of the smooth finished marble of the bear and the rougher ice floe, which reminded me of some of Rodin's sculptures.
I would have happily taken this piece home, 'Pink and White circles' by Ellie Drake-Lee, as I do like a circle and this would look wonderful with alliums, or phloxes, as it was placed here. 
This leaf was another of my favourites 'Fall into Autumn' by Paul Burton.  I think this would fit well in most gardens. 
'Singing Lily Water sculpture' by Ian Gill gave a wonderful gentle sound as we walked round the more formal garden area.  
Another of my favourites was 'Earthlight Moon-Gazing Hare' , by Paul Burton because it featured a hare and circles.  I was really tempted by this one!
The colour of 'The Dream Keeper' by Jeremy Moulsdale caught my eye.

No-one could miss these orange glass 'flowers', but actually called 'Colour Catchers' by Neil Wilkin, which reminded me of Dale Chihuly's work.  They looked really impressive grouped together...
...but this smaller sculpture called 'Promise'  intrigued me more with the reflections.
I also liked the 'Lotus' water feature by Ian Gill which reminded me of the Magnolia fountain at Trewithen in Cornwall.  
'Wren celebration 2024' by Joel Walker also caught my eye.  Another one I would have happily taken home, but probably would have put inside the house, not in the garden.
Joel Walker's 'Swift Party' looked perfectly at home...
...'Swallow Bright - Birdbath' also by Joel Walker, was another sculpture that I would have happily taken home. 
'Come to Herald the Sun-time - House Martin Sundial', again by Joel Walker, looked very much at home. 
'Circle of Life' by Shaun Gagg appealed to me - circles and spheres.  
Finally, 'Slinky Fox' by John Cox, which looked very natural and was slinking towards the woodland area.  There were also four dog sculptures by Tanya Russell placed around the orchard and one, 'Running Working Spaniel', made me smile with the sheer joy it showed as it was bounding along.  Unfortunately, I didn't take a photo of it although I thought I had done!  However, you can see it on her website here.  
There was a lot to take in and to enjoy.  There was also a very good selection of art works to appeal to everyone. Creativity in all its forms needs to be celebrated and this was a wonderful way to do that.


  1. Thank you for continuing this series. I would have been drooling at many of these. I do love outdoor sculpture displays and you have showcased some absolute beauties.

    1. Thanks, EC. There were some wonderful pieces and something to appeal to all tastes. It is really helpful that the artists have websites so that people can find them easily. There is one more post to come, but this time it is all about the gardens at Doddington.
      Best wishes

  2. Thank you for the pics. I think I might need to go there. It's near enough for a day out.

    1. Thanks, meanqueen. The sculptures are there until 8th September and it cost £9.50 to wander around the gardens and see the sculptures, but you could spend as long as you liked. We were given a bracelet and could go out and back in again as we wanted. The gardens are open daily but the Hall itself is only open Weds, Fri and Sundays. It is always inspirational to looks at artists' works.
      Best wishes

    2. Thanks for the info. Looks like I might have a busy weekend.

    3. Back again, I went yesterday. Now to sort the photo's out. Interesting to look back at your posts and see what took your attention. I will be putting a link to you, because you have added far more information than I will in the next few days. Thanks again.

    4. Thanks, Meanqueen. Yes, it will be interesting to compare - I am sure you found some great sculptures that I may have missed. Thank you for the link too.
      Best wishes

  3. Gosh even more stunning photos Ellie - how wonderful. I think my favorite this time would be the Earthlight moon gazing hare - I do love a rabbit in my garden (preferably not the real thing).

    1. Thanks, Julie. Yes, some of the smaller sculptures were really tempting and would fit into most gardens/homes. I love hares in all their many forms, so that was one of my favourites too.
      Best wishes

  4. So many interesting and pretty sculptures. LOVED the white and pink and think it would be awesome in a garden. AND the bright orange flowers, because I love color.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Thanks, Sandy. There were some other sculptures by the same artist, but I liked this one best. The bright orange glass sculptures were certainly eye-catching and looked perfect in the border. There was something for everyone, I think.
      Best wishes
