Sunday 29 September 2024

Hydrangeas and other plants

The hydrangeas are starting to take on their autumn colours.  Above is a Dwarf white macrophylla.
The shades of pink are just starting to appear on Sundae Fraise.
They are more evident on Pinky Winky (a not so great name for a lovely plant!).
The tri-coloured hibiscus has only seemed to have two sorts of flowers this year, with the pink dominating.
The occasional white/pink flower has been lovely and there are still a couple on the plant today.
Muscari Valerie Finnis are starting to grow again.
Clematis Wyevale has been divided this year and is flowering away happily, with its soap-like scent.
At the front of the house, Choisya White Dazzler is flowering again.  There are only a few  flowers, but they are most welcome.
Finally, this hydrangea, Magical Revolution Pink, is putting on an amazing show.  It should be in a bigger pot and it got hydrangea scale earlier in the year, but look at it now!
The flowers have turned from a baby pink to this raspberry ripple colour, with touches of green.  It is a lovely sight to be greeted with when I get home!


  1. I am loving the treats you share from your little patch of paradise. Thank you.

    1. Thanks, EC. My little garden brings me a lot of joy - I wouldn't want to be without it!
      Best wishes

  2. Gosh you sure do have some stunning hydrangeas in your garden Ellie. I have lost a couple of mine over the winter & am looking to buy some more but they are very expensive here now so I am trying to find an independant grower that has smaller plants. Your garden is still so pretty for this time of year. xx

    1. Thanks, Julie. They can be expensive here too, depending on the size/variety. I try to look for bargains! I have also moved away from the macrophylla varieties which I find have got a bit too big in their pots. I now have more paniculata varieties which are cut back each year.
      My aim is to have something in flower and to enjoy each month of the year. I think I have nearly achieved that, although it is a lot easier in some months than others!
      Best wishes
