Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wanderlust 2024 - weeks twenty-five to thirty-two - Printmaking

I was looking forward to this theme of the Wanderlust 2024 course and I have enjoyed it. The first week included some rust dyeing which I had not done before, so that was an interesting start.  We incorporated the images into the page.  There was also making a printing block using crumpled packing tape and doing some gel printing.  The focal image was a print from a polystyrene tile which we incised.  I was pleased with how the page came together. 
Week twenty-six was all about carving our own stamps set and we had to create three squares which would be printed over each other.  The next thing was to print a repeat pattern which I found a bit of a challenge and I didn't get it quite right on the finished page, but I still like the end result and enjoyed carving the three stamps.  
I went full on grunge with my next page, using household objects to print on a gel plate.  I used a few lids and a plastic cover from a plug, as well as some bubble wrap.
Creating fern prints was the focus of the next week, using the fern leaves on a gel plate as well as using the leaf as a stamp too. We then had to cut the prints into strips and weave them. 
Making our own foam stamps was the next focus and I liked adding the bright neons to this page which is one of the most vibrant I have made this year.
Making transfer prints from photos and magazines was the technique here.  The photo which I transferred onto a book page (on the left) shows three of my great uncles, around the time of the First World War.
We had to find a photo of a person which appealed to us for the next week. I chose this girl as I like her attitude.  Once she was cut out of the background, we had to fill it in with descriptions of ourselves - Chris provided the words for mine.  We could then add colour to the image and other details as we wanted to. I really enjoyed this page and using old photographs.
For the 'artful musings' week, I chose to create a grid showing some of the techniques I have been using during the course this year.
Our next theme is 'Drawing' so it will be interesting to see what is featured and how I get on.


  1. I love your creativity and that you continue to learn, to experiment, to grow...

    1. Thanks, EC. Doing this course has certainly taken me out of my comfort zone - and continues to do so! It also keeps me creating something every week. I have signed up for next year, so this is going to continue.
      Best wishes

  2. Wow, wonderful prints. What an amazing journey you are going on here, I love your interpretations.

    1. Thanks, sustainablemum. I do enjoy my weekly lessons and learn so many techniques. Sometimes, it pushes me out of my comfort zone and that can be a challenge, but in a good way!
      Best wishes

  3. That is absolutely fascinating Ellie & I can see why you are enjoying the course so much. You are very creative - I think if it were me, I would be sitting staring at a blank page. It is hard to choose a favorite but I think perhaps the rust one just appeals to me so much, though they are all wonderful xx

    1. Thanks, Julie. The course is very inspiring and each week a different teacher takes you through how to create the page. You can then go your own way to make your page or copy what they did. I tend to copy them initially but then take some of their techniques into other projects. At the end of the year, you have a journal that is a reference book too. I find I need something to act as a prompt if I am creating my own page otherwise I do end up staring at the page!
      Best wishes
