Last Saturday, Chris and I ventured into the wilds of
Lincolnshire, (well,
Sleaford) to visit the hub (the National Centre for Craft and Design)
www.thehubcentre.info/ as there were some new exhibitions which we were both interested in. Shown above (from the promotional material) is an installation by Suzi McLaughlin called,
How does your garden grow? which shows her use of paper cut
sculpture, incorporating
laser cutting and origami. The garlands were placed in the stairwell areas, and were fascinating. There were also sculptures displayed in cases, using books as the starting point and creating beautiful bouquets of white flowers from the pages.

The roof gallery exhibition was by the Contemporary Crafts network (based in
Lincolnshire and surrounding counties) and was called
Green. This incorporated many different interpretations of the word and included ceramics, metalwork, felt, glass and paper. I particularly liked the metal flowers (and it helps that I know the maker!)
We also visited a Vivienne
Westwood shoes exhibition - more of that in a separate post.
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