Thursday 19 August 2021

Late Summer in the garden

You can tell it is late summer now. The roses had a break and some are now flowering again.  the agapanthus is flowering - above is 'Flower of Love'. This one didn't flower at all last year, so I repotted it this spring and it has rewarded me with ten flowering stems. 
Silver Baby is also flowering - four flower stems after I repotted it.  I really like the delicate pale blue colouring of this one
I remember an agapanthus grower on TV saying the plants do like to be potted on each year, which goes against the 'they like to be crammed in a pot' wisdom.  Personally, I am not sure that any plants likes to be crammed in a pot.  
This pelargonium 'Candy Flower' was bought earlier in the year and once potted on, sat and sulked for a few weeks.  However, it has come into its own now with these beautiful pinks.
This compact oregano was also bought earlier in the year and has been attracting bees through the summer.  I potted it on once, but I think it may need potting on again next year.
Finally, late summer into (whisper it) Autumn, here is the first apple from my little patio apple tree.  It is the variety 'James Grieve' which can be used as a cooking apple or eating one.  It is a little tart but quite delicious. It will need a bigger pot next year too, I think.  I took quite a few of the smaller apples off  earlier in the year as I didn't prune the tree at all last year (oops), so it has rather long shoots.  There are seven large apples altogether and I picked another one today.  I will prune it in Winter this year. 

Lots to enjoy as summer slowly begins to move to autumn.


  1. LOVING your garden.
    Hoyas seem to need to be pot bound to flower, but other than that I can't think of anything which likes to be cramped. Enjoy the last of your summer. Our Spring is getting very close now.

    1. Thanks, EC. My agapanthus have certainly responded well to being potted on. There is a definite feel of autumn in the air here at the moment but apparently we are due some more sun next week. (You can tell I'm from the UK - always talking about the weather!)
      Best wishes

  2. Although my blue Agapanthus flowers have been and gone, I am in complete denial about it being late summer... and I will continue to wear my bikini about the garden in autumn mizzle and all! Your 'Silver Baby' is a very sweet variety. The 'Candy Flower' Pelarganoium is gorgeous, well worth the wait! Congratulations Ellie on the first apple from your patio tree. It looks nice and crisp. Lulu x

  3. Thanks, Lulu. Good for you and the bikini! The pelargonium is now flowering away nicely and was definitely worth the wait. I have been reading up about the apple variety James Grieve - straight from the tree it is a good cooking apple (hence the tart quality, although it was very juicy, crisp and tasty) but if it is kept a little while, it sweetens up and is a good dessert apple. I have a few more apples on the tree, so can enjoy these for a little longer!
    Best wishes

  4. Is it late summer? Yes,I suppose it is! I am so looking forward to some cooler weather.Roll on September! One of my first lessons I give to my students at all levels is how to talk about the weather in English. I tell them it is absolutely necessary to be able to add that topic to small talk :-) Love these sensational splashes of colour. keep well Amanda x

    1. Thanks, Amanda. We are due some nice weather this week, so after all the grey recently, a blue sky is very uplifting! I think talking about the weather must be hard wired into the English. I suppose it is that something which we all have in common... My orange crocosmia and my brightly coloured asters are just starting to flower, so more splashes of colour to follow!
      Best wishes

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Azka. The plants are doing a great job!
      Best wishes
