Tuesday 5 September 2023

Beeing busy in the garden

I just happened to have my camera to hand when I spotted this very busy bee on the japanese anemone Bressingham Glow.
This isn't unusual as the bees have been loving this plant.  However, I also managed to capture a bee in flight in this photo which I was very excited about - actions shots don't always work for me!
We are enjoying some late summer sun and temperatures to match this week.  I have quite enjoyed the cooler temperatures during July and August but I know that a lot of people will be pleased to see the late summer returning.  My three coloured hibiscus is flowering away although you can only see the pink and cream flowers in this photo.  You'll have to take my word for it, there were also blue/purple flowers!
Aster Mrs S T Wright.  Yes, I know that it should be Symphyotrichum novae angliae Mrs S T Wright, but that name doesn't trip off the tongue, does it?  However, the plant itself is a good reliable flowerer and has mildew resistance.  Apparently it was developed pre 1907.
Perennial sunflower - Helianthus Lemon Queen.  It can be invasive but I love it anyway.  It hasn't been to bad in my garden, probably because it doesn't actually have that much space!
Finally for now, a little delicate japanese anemone which I thought I had lost.  Anemone hupehensis Pretty Lady Maria. 
It is indeed very pretty.


  1. Well done on capturing those bees - not easy at all. I am still loving your garden and isn't it a wonderful thing to find a bloom from a plant you thought you had lost?

    1. Thanks, EC. The warm sunny weather has spurred the garden on and there is still lots to enjoy. Some of the roses are having a second flowering which makes me happy. Seeing the white anemone also made me very happy - it had been shaded out by a jasmine!
      Best wishes

  2. Well done on capturing an action bee! Lemon Queen is a beauty isn't she. Gorgeous anemone too - always nice when a plant resurrects itself :) x

    1. Thanks, Lulu. Lemon Queen is indeed a beauty. She didn't do well for me last year but seems to have made up for that this year! I think the anemone had been shaded out. I shall have to keep an eye on that next year.
      Best wishes
