We have been getting more rain recently - throughout August and now into September. The garden always feels refreshed after rain and all the plants look rejuvenated too. These images show busy lizzies and fuchsias looking much happier after a shower. My busy lizzies haven't done as well this year as in past years and normally I can keep them going until October, but I don't think they will last beyond the next couple of weeks. Whether this is due to the weather or just to the varieties of plant, I don't know.

Fuchsia 'Star Wars', which, after a slow start following the cold winter, has done well this year and is still flowering profusely. You can also see two small white flowers from 'Hawkshead' which is nearby. I grow all my fuchsias in pots and on the whole, they are fairly undemanding, although some could do with potting into bigger pots now.

Fuchsia 'Garden News' which I bought this year as a plug plant. It has done really well though is a bit sprawly. However, the big double flowers, like a Can-Can girl's skirt, are beautiful. I can forgive a sprawly habit for flowers like those!
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